Monday 31 May 2010

First Post

Let me make this clear right from the start; I know very little about an extremely limited range of subjects. To believe everything I say would be like spending thousands of pounds manufacturing an underground fallout shelter at the bottom of the garden because the man who lives in the bins behind Tesco - voluntarily - told you Judgement Day was just around the corner. The opinions and beliefs I hold now will undoubtedly change over time and - should I or this blog live long enough to see it - a year, five years, 10 years down the line, I'll have contradicted myself a dozen times over. Even this blog, currently titled Uninformed Indignation, will probably probably change name a few times too, so incapable am I in making tiny, ineffectual decisions (conversely, I'm quite good at making large, life changing ones). Take what I say with a pinch of salt; it'll be heavily opinionated, poorly researched and ill-judged. I'll try too hard to be funny and strain to come across as more intelligent than I am. I may feel pressured by some imagined force that expects me to update every week and pack the whole thing in within the month. Whatever happens though, remember that I'm trying to ask some important questions. Perhaps, occasionally, I'll tentatively suggest some answers. Those, too, should be read with at least one eyebrow askew. Here we go.